Policies and Procedures

  • Cancellation Policy
  • Feedback and Complaints Management Policy
  • Privacy and Information Management Policy and Procedures
  • Safe Practice and Environment Policy
  • Risk Management Policy and Procedures
  • Incident Management Policy
  • Code of Conduct

Cancellation Policy:

Effective 20/08/24

At Kid Link Occupational Therapy, we strive to provide the highest quality care while offering families consistent, regular appointment times each term. To maintain this level of service and ensure the sustainability of our practice, we have a cancellation policy in place.

Late Cancellations and No-Shows: If an appointment is cancelled after 10:00 am the day before the scheduled session or if there is a no-show, 90% of the full session fee will be charged.

Cancellations with Notice: If a cancellation is made before 10:00 am the day prior to the session, no fee will be applied.

We understand that life happens outside of business hours. Therefore, we will honour cancellation notices sent via email or voicemail, even outside of our regular business days, as long as they are received before 10:00 am the day before the appointment. This includes Sundays for Monday sessions.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us continue to provide valuable services to all our families.

Feedback and Complaints Management Policy:

Everyone (participants and their families, workers and other providers) at Kid Link Occupational Therapy is encouraged to provide feedback or make a complaint through multiple mechanisms including conversations with Allied Health Professionals (AHP), phone calls, emails, websites and third parties such as funding bodies.

In line with the focus on participant rights and person-centred care, Kid Link Occupational Therapy informs and encourages participants to provide feedback or make a complaint through the Service Agreement and conversations with their provider.

Information on how to make a complaint is provided to participants before services commence and reinforced during support delivery.

The participants and their families are provided with the opportunity to provide feedback or make a complaint at the time of their reviews but also at any time during service delivery.

Workers are informed on this policy at time of induction and then annually.

Other providers and external stakeholders are informed on how to make a complaint via engagement letters and contracts.

All feedback, both positive and negative, is used by Kid Link Occupational Therapy to evaluate services and to make changes to ensure everyone is safe and satisfied.

Complaints will be managed as per the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: Complaints Management and Resolution Guidance, Version 2.1 – September 2019 and the NDIS Effective Complaint Handling Guidelines for NDIS Providers.

As outlined in our Service Agreement, If the Participant wishes to give the Provider feedback or wishes to make a complaint, the Participant, their advocate or trusted decision maker can:

  • Discuss your issue / complaint with your Occupational Therapist or Family Liaison Team
  • Discuss your issue / complaint with the the Practice Manager
    • In person at 2 Brunswick Rd, Mitcham VIC 3132
    • Via email: chelsea@kidlink.net.au
  • Contact the Director, Jackie Sikic
    • Via phone: 9879 7019
    • Via email: jackie@kidlink.net.au
  • Contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

A copy of Kid Link Occupational Therapy’s Feedback and Complaints Procedures can be provided on request.

Privacy and Information Management Policy and Procedures:


Kid Link Occupational Therapy will comply with:

This includes having in place systems governing the appropriate collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal information, access to and correction and disposal of that information.


Compliance with legislative requirements governing privacy of personal information.

All Kid Link Occupational Therapy participants are satisfied that their personal information is kept private and only used for the intended purpose


The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) is an Australian law which regulates the handling of personal information about individuals by private sector organisations. Amendments were made to this legislation in 2012 (the Privacy Amendment Act 2012) which updates the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) and came into effect in March 2014. The amendment requires an organisation to explicitly state how they will adhere to the APP and inform their participants on how their privacy will be protected. The APP cover the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal information, and access to and correction of that information. The APP are summarised in Appendix 1 of this document.

As per Victoria legislation, Kid Link Occupational Therapy will need to comply with specific laws applying to private medical services. These laws include a minimum timeframe for keeping medical records. For an adult, the minimum time frame is seven years from the date of the last entry in the patient’s record. For anyone under 18, the minimum time frame is until that person is 25 years of age.


‘Personal information’ means information (or an opinion) we hold (whether written or not) from which a person’s identity is either clear or can be reasonably determined.

‘Sensitive information’ is a particular type of personal information – such as health, race, sexual orientation or religious information.


Ensuring all Kid Link Occupational Therapy Staff Understand Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements

  1. The Director of Kid Link Occupational Therapy will review their Privacy Policy annually and ensure they understand their responsibility to protect the privacy of individuals’ personal information.
  2. All Staff will undergo training related to Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements at the time of induction and then annually.
  3. All Kid Link Occupational Therapy students and volunteers will be made aware of the Privacy and Information Management Policy during induction.

Managing Privacy of Participant Information Storage

  1. Participant information collected is kept in an individual participant record. Kid Link Occupational Therapy utilises Cliniko Practice management Software, a cloud based program that stores each record.
  2. A participant record includes: service agreement • personal information • clinical notes • investigations • correspondence • photographs • video footage • appointments • reports • invoices
  3. A Firewall is used in the Kid Link Occupational Therapy computer system as a means of protecting information stored temporarily on a computer. Once uploaded into Cliniko, information is deleted from the computer. Other security related procedures such as user access passwords, multi-factorial authentication also assist with the protection of information.
  4. Paper records, when required, are kept in locked cabinets.
  5. Participant information is stored for seven years post the date of last discharge. In the case of participants aged under 18 years, information is kept until their 25th birthday and 7 years post discharge.
  6. Participant related information, or any papers identifying a participant are destroyed by shredding and deleting from the computer and all databases.
  7. User access to all computers and mobile devices holding participant information is managed by passwords and automatic inactive logouts.
  8. Kid Link Occupational Therapy utilises the Google cloud platform (GSuite for Business) including Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
  9. We utilise an electronic signature platform, Docusign, for sending and completing forms electronically.
  10. Kid Link Occupational Therapy is a pay on the day clinic and utilises IntegraPay to obtain and store encrypted credit or bank account details for billing purposes. This excludes NDIA Managed or Plan Managed participants.

Managing Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements of Participants

  1. Kid Link Occupational Therapy refers to their Privacy Policy on the participant’s NDIS Service Agreement.
  2. The NDIS Service Agreement includes 5 Consents plus other pertinent consents to your organisation:
    1. Consent for sharing and obtaining Information
    2. Consent for receiving services
    3. Consent for photography
    4. Consent to participate in Participant Satisfaction Surveys
    5. Consent to participate in Quality Management Activities

These consents are discussed with the participant and /or their decision maker in a way they can understand prior to the commencement of service.

  1. Persons contacting Kid Link Occupational Therapy with an enquiry do not need to provide personal details. However, once a decision is made to progress to utilising Kid Link Occupational Therapy’s services, personal and sensitive information will need to be collected.
  2. Kid Link Occupational Therapy may need to share pertinent participant information with other medical or Allied Health professionals at the time of case conferencing or when determining support plans. Information is only shared in order to provide the best service possible and is only shared with those people whose Professional Codes of Ethics include privacy and confidentiality. Permission to share information is sought from the participant prior to the delivery of services and as required at other points of intervention as / if required.
  3. Personal information is not disclosed to third parties outside of Kid Link Occupational Therapy, other than for a purpose made known to the participant and to which they have consented, or unless required by law.
  4. Participants are informed there may be circumstances when the law requires Kid Link Occupational Therapy to share information without their consent.

Keeping Accurate Participant Information

Participants are informed of the need to provide us with up to date, accurate and complete information.
Kid Link Occupational Therapy staff update information on the participant record at the time of reviews or when they become aware of change in information. This information is obtained in an updated Service Agreement.
Staff at Kid Link Occupational Therapy update the participant record as soon as practical after the delivery of services to ensure information is accurate and correct.

Using Participant Information for Other Purposes

Under no circumstances will Kid Link Occupational Therapy use personal details for purposes other than stated above, unless specific written consent is given by the participant or their representative.

Participant Access to Their Information

Participants have the right to access the personal information Kid Link Occupational Therapy holds about them. To do this, participants must contact the Director of Kid Link Occupational Therapy.

Management of a Privacy Complaint

If a person has a complaint regarding the way in which their personal information is being handled by Kid Link Occupational Therapy, in the first instance they are to contact the Director. The complaint will be dealt with as per the Complaints Management Policy. If the parties are unable to reach a satisfactory solution through negotiation, the person may request an independent person (such as the Office of the Australian Privacy Commissioner) or the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission to investigate the complaint. Kid Link Occupational Therapy will fully cooperate with this process.


‘Guidelines on Privacy in the Private Health Sector’, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Safe Practice and Environment Policy:

Kid Link Occupational Therapy endeavours to provide a safe environment for participants, visitors and their Allied Health Professionals (AHPs). In particular, it is recognised that participants need to be offered services in a safe environment and workers must be protected from injury wherever possible.

The nature of many therapeutic support services does however require some risks to be taken for both the participant’s progress and the need to provide services wherever possible in the participant’s community (refer to Service Delivery Model and Rights & Responsibilities in the Service Agreement). Hence, it is difficult to ensure that all therapeutic environments are optimal. However, with the provision of appropriate assessments, training, personal protective clothing and equipment and the arrangement of workplace conditions and structures, participant rights and responsibilities, Kid Link Occupational Therapy actively attempts to minimise potential hazards.

A full copy of Kid Link Occupational Therapy’s Safe Practice and Environment Procedures can be provided on request.

Risk Management Policy and Procedures:

Kid Link Occupational Therapy acknowledges that informed and considered risk taking using the defined risk management process is necessary and valuable in providing services to our participants (refer to Service Delivery Model and rights & responsibilities in our NDIS Service Agreement).

Kid Link Occupational Therapy will identify risks, control them where possible and monitor these risks. Where residual risks remain, Kid Link Occupational Therapy will implement strategies to manage these. Where the risks involve participants, strategies will be implemented where the participant consents.

Outcomes of Risk Management

Key outcomes sought are:

  • Reduction and, as far as possible, elimination of harm to participants and the Kid Link team and visitors
  • Safeguarding the business
  • Compliance with legislative and funding bodies requirements

Risks to be Managed

Risks to be managed encompass

  • Governance, including clinical governance
  • Clinical / support risks e.g. participant injury, participant / customer dissatisfaction, breach of privacy
  • Compliance risks e.g. practicing without AHPRA registration / worker checks, tax related omissions, non-reporting of required events
  • Business risks e.g. financial viability, reputational damage
  • Risks to workers, visitors and contractors

Risk Management Strategies

A wide variety of strategies will be used including:

  • Review of funding body and statutory body requirements
  • Appropriate insurances
  • Working closely with participants to ensure their rights are being respected and acted upon
  • Use of policies and procedures / processes / forms / checklists
  • Development of schedules to monitor progress
  • On-going training / education
  • Actively seeking feedback on services from stakeholders
  • Actively seeking information from others eg funding bodies, experts, colleagues
  • Ongoing monitoring and review

Strategies are developed and improved through:

  • Consultation with others e.g. governing body, participants and their families, experts, colleagues, other providers, professional associations
  • Review of funding body and legislative requirements
  • Review of investigation of incidents
  • Quality improvement audits

Risk Minimisation Program

Risks are managed through these processes

  1. Development of a Risk Management Register (by the business owner in collaboration with advisors) which identifies Kid Link Occupational Therapy’s major risks and outlines strategies for their effective management.
  2. Review of progress to ensure strategies are being followed and are effective. This is done through meetings and regular review of the following documents:
  • Strategic / business plans
  • Compliance Calendar
  • HR Register
  • Annual Training Plan
  • Register of Interests
  • Participant feedback systems
  • Complaints and incidents
  • Performance reviews
  • Financial reports
  • Safety checks
  1. Annual review of the Risk Management Register and related support documents and updating as required.

Incident Management Policy:

Kid Link Occupational Therapy will promote the health, safety, welfare and well-being of its clients and meet its professional and legal responsibilities by ensuring any incidents are appropriately:

  • identified and recorded,
  • assessed to determine corrective and / or harm minimisation strategies,
  • investigated where necessary,
  • followed up in a timely manner and to ensure satisfactory outcomes are achieved,
  • considered against legislative / funding body requirements / guidelines (including the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: Incident Management Systems) and acted upon / reported as required,
  • and shared where appropriate to assist with quality improvement.

A full copy of Kid Link Occupational Therapy’s Incident Management Procedures can be provided on request.

Code of Conduct:

At Kid Link we encourage a collaborative team with our families/ caregivers, with your child always at the centre of our work. We aim to provide a safe and compassionate space where all feel welcome.

You (our families) can help us to create this environment of respect by:

  • Using an appropriate tone of voice and choice of words when speaking with our team.
  • Arriving no earlier than 15 minutes before your session.
  • Arriving 5 minutes prior to your session so we can process your payment and complete any claims (if applicable) before your occupational therapist (OT) comes to collect you.
  • Ensuring both reception and the therapy rooms are left in an acceptable standard.
  • Not eating food in the centre unless approved by your OT (e.g. for use within a therapy session).
  • Being responsible for all children in your care. Unfortunately, we cannot have children unattended in our waiting room.
  • Attending therapy sessions with your child unless an alternative plan has been previously discussed and agreed upon with your OT.
  • Actively engaging in therapy sessions with your child, giving the homework/strategies a go, and providing feedback to your OT.
  • Understanding that unless you have provided us with a court order advising us not to, we will share therapy-based information regarding your child with parents/caregivers who request it.
  • Not bringing any animals into the centre without the prior permission of your OT.

Refusal of Service:

At Kid Link we have a responsibility for the health and safety of our team and other families and children. Therefore, we ask our families to be aware of the following:

  1. We have the right to refuse service if you or your child is unwell or where bodily fluid is exposed.
  2. We have the right to refuse service if you or your child is perceived to be violent, threatening, harmful, sexually inappropriate/harassing to our team or other families.

In the above cases (1 & 2) the OTs/family liaison officers can refuse service and ask you to leave immediately. Attendance at subsequent sessions will be at the discretion of the Director.

  1. We may refuse service (discharge families) if our OTs believe the functional goals are unethical or outside the scope of the service we provide.
  2. We may refuse to offer a service or particular appointment time to families who excessively miss or cancel sessions without exceptional circumstances.
  3. We may refuse service if you or your child does not abide by this code of conduct.

In these cases (3, 4& 5) the decision to discharge families will be made in consultation with your OT and the Director.