School Services
Kid Link Occupational Therapists are proud to offer a range of school group services including presentations, workshop packages, group therapy programs, consultations and more. Read below to find out how we can support your school.

We offer a range of professional development opportunities exploring different topics including:
- Supporting Autistic students
- Creating inclusive classrooms for neurodivergent students
- Emotional regulation
- Executive functioning
- Sensory Processing
- Social Inclusion
- Supporting challenging behaviours
- Supporting attention and concentration
- Supporting students with specific learning disabilities
Other custom presentations and workshops are available upon request.

Student Consultations
We offer individualised support for students who are demonstrating challenges participating within the classroom or playground environments.
Consultation services include:
Student observation and assessment: An observation is an opportunity for a therapist to assess a child’s participation in the classroom or yard environment, and identify the student’s strengths and difficulties. Individualised recommendations and strategies are provided following the observation to support teaching staff and the family to assist the student’s engagement in school based tasks. Following this, a care team meeting with the child’s teacher and/or learning support staff will by conducted.
Support for funding applications: Following a student observation, we can provide a report to present as evidence for levels of support/adjustment which would be required for a student to engage and participate in the school environment. The Vineland Assessment is a questionnaire completed online by the teacher; a parent version can also be provided on request. These reports can be provided to support PSD and DIP funding applications and can be inclusive of a Vineland Assessment.
Special consideration applications:Assistance exploring and applying for special considerations for testing and examinations.

Group Therapy Programs
We offer customised group therapy programs within the school environment or via Zoom. We encourage staff to attend our group sessions as a learning opportunity and to ensure follow through of recommendations into the classroom setting.
Skill areas that can be addressed during a group therapy program include; handwriting, social inclusion and working with others, emotional regulation, study skills, and confidence and resilience.

Our workshops allow for a thorough exploration of a topic with activities, questions, and opportunities for schools to personalise their learning through the use of their own student case studies.
Kid Link Occupational Therapy are also able to offer additional consultation services following the provision of webinars or student consultations. These services can be discussed in further detail by contacting the Family Liaison Team.